Marieke Delannoy
Marieke Delannoy is a CLMA since october 2009.
At the moment she has several jobs, all influenced by LBBS. Marieke is:
- a dance therapist
in U-center, a private clinic for people with psychological problems such as burn-out. She is a member of the NVDAT (society for dance therapy). In this work she uses LBBS as an observation tool, and to help her decide which themes to work on.
- a dance teacher: She mostly teaches expressive and (Laban-based) modern dance. LBBS inspires her, helps in observing and giving structure in the dance classes.
- a choreographer: She works with adolescents on a youth theatre project. She works with them on movement material what will eventually be part of a theatre production. LBBS is her tool for observing, making decisions in movement themes and working on choreography.
- a trainer: She gives courses in primary schools to help children being confident, reduce bullying and create a good atmosphere in the group. She works mostly with movement exercises.
- an assistant for EUROLAB certification.
- LMA and BF teacher: She gives Laban and BF introduction courses and workshops.
Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, [Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN/ tanz:digital/ DIS-TANZ-START] des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, sowie durch KULTUR.GEMEINSCHAFTEN und NPN-STEPPING OUT